Managhair / Alfaparf - Gestión integral de peluquería


Ask for as many reports as you need, sales, employees, commissions, balance, incomes, transactions…


See and print sales graphic reports according the day of the week, month, employee, or products sale, compare data with previous months or years.

Managhair Informes

Trading Summary

Use the Trading Summary to know exactly about your business.

See separate takings depending on client type, daily statistics and know about your average ticket.

See your employees figures, their average ticket, clients attended and if you use managhair agenda, you may even know about their figures per working hour.

Managhair Informe de Transacciones

Sales and Services Statistics

Managhair Estadísticas por Servicio y Ventas

With this report you will exactly know how many clients visit the salon, percentages and how much they spend on services and products.

Compare figures with previous years, it will help you know where can you improve your business.

Apply filters by client type or according to hours to get a more detailed report.


An specific section where you can calculate a personalized commission system for your employees.

Depending the type of service or product, step commissions depending on the takings.

Print a detailed report with all the services and products sold by each employee.

Managhair Comisiones

Profit and loss account

Managhair Cuenta de Explotación

Account statement is a perfect indicator to optimize your business.

You will know exactly where your money goes, each section on the statement account has an optimal percentage indicator to be compared with your results, this way you may know which part of your business needs to be optimized.

    Managhair Spain
  • Av.Cervantes 51
  • 48970 Basauri
  • Vizcaya
  • +34 944 780 633
  • AAR Software Beauty Solutions, S.L. | Copyright ® 2014 All rights reserved. | Legal notice and privacy policy