Managhair / Alfaparf - Gestión integral de peluquería


Managhair offers more than 20 loyalty systems, make new clients or retain your existing clients.

Accesible Loyalty

Just a click to access all active loyalty systems in Managhair. See how many are active for each client and those you can offer.

Managhair Sistemas de Fidelización


Add discount clubs for clients, services or products.

Clients clubs can configurate multiple type of discounts that can adapt to male/female, age, week day, date or time.

You only need to include a client to a club and it will benefit from discounts according the conditions it meets.

Managhair Clubs

Frequency Card

Managhair Frequency Card

Apply important discounts on the ticket as far as the client visits occur.

The amount paid in the visit determines if one or two boxes are completed, when a discount box is reached, it will be applied to the ticket.

You can configure separately conditions for male and female.

Prepaid Cards

Use personalized cards with your salon image as a payment method for your clients.

Prepaid cards work as credit cards that a client can activate and top-up.

A prepaid card can be activated for a client an used by another, it can be a family or friends card.

Managhair Tarjetas Prepago

Gift Certificates

Managhair Cheques Regalo

Offer gift certificates to you clients, they may use them to pay for a visit.

Use gift certificates for a client makes a gift to another client.

They can be used together other common payment methods, should the gift certificate be over the ticket amount, a new gift certificate will be issued with the balance.

Higher Spend Reward

Print Higher Spend Reward to be used by the client o his next visit.

Configurate different parameters according the type of client, male or female.

Higher Spend Reward can be used by the same client and then the ticket amount meets the voucher amount.

Managhair Premio por Compra

Treats Receipt

Managhair Ticket Promesa

Increase your clients visits frequency with this new loyalty system.

Create Treats Receipt linked to services or products in a way that when a client requests a service in the salon, a complementary Treats Receipt will be issued with a special price on his next visit.

Create intelligent Treats Receipt as services performed by the client, print a Treats Recepit with the promise service that you want to gift or service at a special rato for the next visit.

Points System

Make your clients earn points with their visits and let them pay their services or products with them.

You can apply this loyalty system to all your clients or those you select.

Use the configuration options to personalize the point system.

Managhair Sistema de Puntos


Managhair Consejos

Use this powerful tool to advice clients on how to use products.

Create advices linked to products and services, print a complementary advice regarding color maintenance products any time a client requests a color service.

Use a QR code printed on the advice ticket to link to your webpage or blog.

Promotional certs, loyalty cards, flat rate and many more….

Managhair offers you that many loyalty systems designed to make new clients and fidelize the existing. Our support department will help you making true any loyalty system you can imagine.

    Managhair Spain
  • Av.Cervantes 51
  • 48970 Basauri
  • Vizcaya
  • +34 944 780 633
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