Managhair / Alfaparf - Gestión integral de peluquería

Appointment Book

Manage your salon appointments quick and easily. Link from your salon web page or facebook. 24 hours a day.

It will adapt to your needs.

You can configurate your working calendar to daily schedule, show your available employees, text font and appointments color code. You will see all your appointments organized and will optimize working times. Managhair give you different appointment book views to select the one who meet your needs.

Managhair Agenda

Quick and efficient

Create an appointment just in seconds.

Assign the time needed to perform the services by indicating the type of service, Managhair will assign the service to any available employee and will calculate time between services to avoid next appointment error.

Managhair Agenda Nueva Cita

Value options

Managhair Opciones Agenda SMS

Just a click and the ticket is created ready to check-out, it will show services scheduled on the appointment together with the employee name.

Use other options to block and employee, show this is the first client visit, you can also set a no show to know about it on the next appointment.

Group different clients to check-out them together.

Send SMS appointment reminders, select the time you want them to receive it and personalize the text with your client name and appointment time.

See next appointments scheduled or any technical data with just one click.

In Wait Manager

Managhair incorporates In Wait manager to take control for non-appointed clients waiting time.

Select requested services and Managhair will show availability so that the waiting time can be reduced.

If your salon works on non-appointments policy, you can use In Wait manager as your main working screen to show your clients waiting list.

Managhair In Wait Manager

Flexible reporting

Managhair Imprimir Agenda

Print your agenda just as you see on your screen, you can select from your tickets printer or report printer.

Print one or all employee appointments with client details, technical record and last products purchased.

Print a summary report for one or all appointments scheduled.

The express report summarize your client most important information, together with history report so you can see precious services, when and who did them, as well as next appointments and technical history. Print one or all appointed clients report.

Online Booking

With online booking system, your clients can take appointments 24/7 during all the year.

Reduce phone calls, and take new clients.

Any online appointment request will show on your Managhair appointment book so you can confirm it, send your client a confirmation SMS.

Online booking is able from your salon web page or facebook.

Managhair Cita Online
    Managhair Spain
  • Av.Cervantes 51
  • 48970 Basauri
  • Vizcaya
  • +34 944 780 633
  • AAR Software Beauty Solutions, S.L. | Copyright ® 2014 All rights reserved. | Legal notice and privacy policy